PTFE Applied Coatings News

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  • 6th November 2018

    Teflon a Distinctive Brand

    PTFE Applied Coatings recognises the significance of the distinctive Teflon™ brand within the portfolio of coatings, which have been designed and formulated to add value for customers. The logo also provides assurances that the products it identifies with are of the highest standard and contain genuine Teflon™ fluoropolymers. The trademark logo is owned exclusively by Chemours. 

    The distinctive Teflon™ logo reflects the identity and integrity of the industrial performance coatings formulated by Chemours, together with the processing capabilities of PTFE Applied Coatings. Such a partnership, has the opportunity to provide the best possible solutions when it comes to adverse operating conditions. This partnership is further endorsed by the support of the technical team and its laboratory facilities at Chemours. 

    PTFE Applied Coatings operates within the Licensed Industrial Applicator scheme and has been selected by Chemours for its extensive knowledge and experience in recommending and applying Teflon™ branded coatings. The endorsement of Chemours permits us to carry and maintain a broad range of Teflon™ coatings that enables us with complete confidence, to evaluate and select the appropriate coating system to meet customer’s requirements and the product’s demands. 

    We understand the value of our experience and technical knowledge to customers, which is why within our website there is the opportunity to “ask us a question”. The facility prompts enquiries and to have answers provided to the most straightforward, to the most challenging of coating issues. The resources available at PTFE Applied Coatings are freely available, together with our consultancy service, customers have the opportunity to benefit from the depth of experience that ourselves and Chemours have to offer. 

    Thanks to the variety of Teflon™ branded coatings, the unique properties and formulations of the industrial coatings, can become an integral surface of any engineered component. Applications can range from valves, clutches, fasteners and with the new range of flexible finishes, Teflon™ products have the solution. Coatings can be applied to specific areas of complex geometric parts or can be applied to all surfaces as required by the customer.   

    Teflon™ industrial coatings offer a balance of properties unbeatable by any other material. The versatility of these coatings permits almost unlimited applications to a wide range of part sizes and configurations. Adding value far beyond the inherent non-stick qualities, combining heat resistance with almost total chemical resistance, excellent dielectric strength, and a low coefficient of friction. 

    Teflon™, it is the original non-stick finish. Du Pont, the originator of Teflon™ and has transmitted to Chemours the worldwide resources to help solve your coating challenges.


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