Nonstick Technical

Non-stick coatings are very well known, but how much is understood about how the material can be such an advantage to engineers. Therefore, the mechanics of non-stick coatings need a little explanation to assist in the appreciation of this attribute adopted by many industrial engineers.

The diagram above illustrates the structure of PTFE, which is a highly saturated fluorocarbon polymer and shows how the fluorine atoms are linked to the carbon atoms. The ratio of this structure is four fluorine atoms to two carbon atoms and the carbon based centre is screened from contact with any other molecule. Therefore, as a result, it would almost be impossible for other chemicals to interact and disturb the carbon atoms. As detailed on other pages, this provides the extraordinary resistance of PTFE to chemicals, by means that agents and solvents are unable to reach the carbon to fluorine bond, making the bonds are almost unbreakable.  

Another advantage of fluorine is that it does not easily associate with other atoms, therefore, as part of the structure of the PTFE molecule it wants to move away from other atoms, as far as possible. As a result, any other atoms that are close are automatically repelled and deflected molecules are not able to stick to the surface, giving PTFE the properties we all recognise.